Natural Remedy to Treat Male Yeast Infection at Home

Men, women, and children are equally susceptible to yeast infections. Yes, men too frequently have an overgrowth despite all myths to the contrary. However, women do have symptoms that are more obvious and frequently pass along the condition during intercourse. All people however, regardless of age, are susceptible to internal internal overgrowth throughout the entire GI tract.

Research shows that by the time we reach 50 years old, 75 percent of U.S. citizens will have experienced at least one yeast infection. Luckily, yeast infections are not seriously damaging to your health. Even better, they are easily treatable with natural remedies that are simple to find and easy to use.

If you are male and seek a home remedy for yeast infection, the same dietary changes and other remedies used by women for centuries will also work for you.

Understanding Yeast Infections

Candida Albicans is a fungus that causes yeast infections. It exists normally in the warm, moist parts of our bodies: the mouth, throat, stomach, small intestines, and the colon. An overgrowth in these areas occurs when our bodies lose a healthy balance between yeast and bacteria, or between acid and base. If either condition occurs, Candida Albicans grows out of control.

Many factors cause these imbalances. The cause can be external, such as wearing a wet bathing suit, tight jeans, excessive sweating, or non-absorbent or non-ventilated underwear. In addition, internal causes include eating excessive sugar, processed foods, starchy foods, and grains. Taking antibiotics also kills healthy bacteria and may have a direct impact on overgrowth. Stress, lack of sleep and illness also weaken our immune systems and make us more susceptible to internal imbalances.

A Remedy to Treat Male Yeast Infection at Home

If you think you might be developing a yeast infection, begin treating it immediately by cutting back severely on your sugar intake. As a general rule of thumb, avoid foods that list ingredients ending with o-s-e, such as fructose, sucrose, lactose, and so forth. Pay particular attention to lactose – the natural sugar found in all milk products. This is a highly digestible form of sugar that just happens not to be sweet.

Supplement your diet with pH balancers and immune system boosters. Vitamin C, garlic, and Echinacea are all good choices to support your immune system. Probiotics are essential for re-balancing your pH. Acidophilus is a good balancer, as are sauerkraut, kimchee and pickles. Do you see a clear trend? Starch, sugar, and yeast – the same ingredients used to make beer, promote overgrowth. Citric acid, vinegar and other sour-tasting foods restore natural balance.

However, all of these suggestions are merely a start, and they do not resolve the cause of overgrowth long-term.

The Best List of Home Remedies, Plus Instructions, for Permanent Control

Lisa Richards is a professional medical researcher and author. She wrote the book on the topic of effective home remedies for Candida Albicans overgrowth. As someone who suffered from the condition for years, she eventually researched, tested and proved the most effective ways to control yeast infections at home.

Her home remedies work equally well for men, women, and children alike. Quite noticeably, she brings an unexpectedly high level of professionalism to an intimate male issue no one wants to discuss.

As someone who knows more about this issue than I care to discuss, let us just say that I have researched this issue for several years with little success. Then, with help of a quick download, all things were put into perspective and my problem here became moot. Yes, it does require a few changes, especially in diet.

The cost is nominal compared to the immediate relief provided. I fully recommend Ms. Richards’ online book, “The Ultimate Candida Diet.” The entire course is designed for easy access plus quick, sure and cheap relief. It costs $37 today.


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